You Can Support This Ministry Many Different Ways…
Tithes and Offerings
Books / Publishing
Music CD Production
Missions / Travel
Widows with Purpose
Broadcast Equipment Project
SEND ME WITH ENCOURAGEMENT to the ministries who are ministering in very difficult circumstances. Travel expenses. The ministry assists those in the beginning stages of their ministry and helps lay a solid foundation for those ministries.
In looking over our mailing list I realized just how easy it would be to slay some assignments the Lord has given me, just by each person giving a small amount each month. If each person who reads this only committed $10 a month the income would increase by a sizeable amount, like over $3,000 a month. There is a lot which can be done much faster with funds! One small stone!
WIDOWS WITH PURPOSE is an outreach of Rachel Jeffries International Ministries. Many of these widows are left devastated by the death of their mates and have needs for which society has not made provisions. Compassion for the widow is needed in the body of Christ, and it’s been laid on my heart to give those who desire to fulfill the scripture, James 1:27, “True religion is to care for the widow….” an opportunity to do so. Please click on the giving link of your choice.
Rachel Jeffries International Ministries is a 501(c)(3) – Your gifts are tax deductible.
Some of you are doing much more than that already and I cannot thank you enough. Those who are not doing anything because you might not sense you can be that important I want you to know you are important and just a small amount can really slay the giant when so many do it together. As in the Bible, when everyone thought David was too small and insignificant to do a BIG job like fight the giant, Goliath. David didn’t see it that way! He gave what little he had, 5 small stones, and God filled in the rest as David not only fought Goliath, but conquered him! With the power of God, David slayed the giant with one small stone!