870-754-3590 Rachel@rjim.org

PITIFUL or POWERFUL: The Choice is Yours (Paper Back)


When tragedy struck Rachel’s life, Pitiful or Powerful, The Choice is Yours was birthed. She knew Jesus had provided a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13); however, the choice was hers to be destroyed or to remain free. God took her step by step to the amazing life she has led. Because of this experience she has great compassion, love and understanding for the hurting and broken-hearted. The wisdom and understanding God gave her is explained and taught in this book. She will show you how to make the same choices to get free, remain free and not become emotionally paralyzed. This book will help anyone who has had trauma in their life. By her early years of schooling with revelation knowledge from the Holy Spirit, she is qualified to help you walk through your journey and ensure victory! In this powerful book you will gain insight to overcome.


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