870-754-3590 Rachel@rjim.org

Capture a City Through Praise (Paperback)


Capture a City through Praise is a book which reveals a fresh way of thinking concerning our spiritual authority which Christ has given to those who accept their place. The sky is the limit when it comes to offering the sacrifice of praise with heartfelt emotions toward God. The intensity of the teaching will motivate you to develop a grateful heart. This book has been published in over twelve languages and has been on the best seller list for many years. It is a revised version with photos of marvelous things that happened as a result of the book going to the nations. It shows at an early age how the author had doors open to her which thrust her into her life’s work as a speaker, musician, author, preacher and revivalist. Her experiences and teaching will alert you to new dimensions for your life. She emphasizes not only is praise a verbal expression, but one which involves your whole person, spirit, soul and body. This book is the cutting edge of spiritual dominion. It is an anointed, prophetic, encouraging book.



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