Amazing Love – CD
Amazing Love is a newly released set of 2 CD’s by Rachel Jeffries including a pamphlet with the words. One CD is just vocals and the other background music. The background music can be used as accompaniment for services as a group or to praise God privately in preparation for prayer. God put together anointed musicians for the background music. One is Maurice Sklar a violinist and vocalist who plays for Benny Hinn and Jeane Batty, a organist, pianist as well as background vocalist, along with Rachel as pianist, organist, as well as lead vocalist. Eric Uglum known world wide as the best blue grass musician also plays instruments as well as provides background vocals.
Lots of the songs were birthed in prayer in praise and worship prophetically at prayer mountain in the Ozarks at Billye Brim Ministries.
The subtitle is: “Songs From the Heart of God” and this title speaks for itself. It is love to his bride and his bride speaking back to Him. The CD’s are dedicated to the world wide prayers and God’s secret agents (another prayer group) which Rachel is part of in Oklahoma and California.